ABC, Beef, Recipe

ABC Beef Pares

ABC Beef Pares

ABC Beef Pares Recipe


3 tbsp ABC Sweet Sauce

2 tbsp King Chef Canola Oil

¼ cup Yamato Soy SAUCE

500g beef brisket, diced

1 tbsp white onion

1 tsp garlic

1 pc star anise

1 tsp ginger

1 tbsp tausi

200G water

Cornstarch slurry (optional)

    1. Heat oil in a cooking pot or pressure cooker. Saute onion, garlic and ginger.
    2. Add the beef once the onion softens. Cook until light brown
    3. Pour soy sauce, ABC Sweet Sauce and water. Stir.
    4. Add in star anise and tausi.
    5. Boil until the beef is fork tender.
    6. Adjust seasoning and thicken with cornstarch (optional)
    7. Serve with garlic rice on the side.

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